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PH: (03) 9553 8033

Expert Sailing Skills: No Nonsense Advice That Really Works


There are plenty of sailing and seamanship skills that don't feature on the syllabus of even the most advanced sailing course and a wealth of such wisdom can be found in these pages. This is a selection of the best practical articles from the pages of Yachting Monthly magazine, and will help sailors at every level. Each chapter deals with a specific skill and is highly illustrated with step-by-step photos, ranging from dropping anchor to planning a passage, and from sailing harmoniously with your partner to using onboard electrics. There's advice on fixing an engine to recovering a casualty from the water and much more! AUTHOR: Tom Cunliffe is Britain's leading sailing writer. He is a worldwide authority on sailing instruction and an expert on traditional sailing craft. Tom has been a Yachtmaster Examiner since 1978 and has a gift for sharing his knowledge with good humour and an endless supply of tales of the sea. 626 colour photos, 73 diagrams

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  • You can find us at street level under the Dendy Palace Cinema, Brighton.
  • There is ample parking (90 minutes free) with an entry via St Andrews St.
  • Dogs are welcome!

Contact Details

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Shop 3 Dendy Plaza
26 Church St
Brighton, Victoria, 3186
PH: (03) 9553 8033
